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Don’t Care About Politics? I Don’t Blame You!

Cory Edmund Endrulat

Just because an individual may not care about politics does not mean they do not care. How we can blame them? Day by day, it only seems to divide people, leading to worldwide scenarios nobody likes or arguments which never conclude. Could we blame them, if all they want to do is live their life, have fun, be healthy, be happy? Well, these are the same things that I desire, and more times than not, it's also often what those in politics claim they desire. Yet, they feel, for the greater good, it is necessary to engage in politics in order to fulfill those desires. They thus may see politics as a necessary evil at times, where a sacrifice must be made by the common person going into a corrupt system to make everything better for everyone. But does it really work like that? Should those who don't like or don't care about politics just let these individuals take control of their lives, for such a presumed greater good?

The truth is, what I talk about and when I talk about this, it has nothing to do with politics. In fact, politics is just a game of sides and whose opinion gets to be imposed on another. What I actually talk about has everything to do with morality and truth itself. For could we blame an individual wanting to just live their life, if they were born in the world having no natural obligation to obey a government or engage in politics? And if an individual were constantly intruded upon by government, even just the littlest amount of money taken from him without his consent, is he not justified in trying to get away from politics every way he can? Let us see more why this is about morality.

If any tax is justified, would you personally take your neighbors money without their consent? If you wouldn't personally do it, what makes it right to say that other people can do it for you instead? Theft is theft, whether going by one name or another, it is taking property that does not belong to you. Yet, while we may claim we don't care about politics, the mass peoples of the world are being blindly stolen from, routinely and for nearly a third or more of their income, and for things they may not even support, as well as for the paychecks of those in government. And if you dare challenge such a system, you may be deemed a criminal, or at least perceived as unorderly and immoral. Yet, legality isn't morality. We each live in our own reality, our own lives, and if we want to live our own lives in peace, it's in knowing that, to never get in anybody's business. The more you meddle with other people's lives, the more problematic everything becomes, as you may even justify the fact you are doing so and convince others that it is necessary, and then the argument becomes about how much one should meddle with other people's lives. But again, it's other people's lives. What gave us the right to mess with other people's lives in the first place?

This brings us to the belief system that so few people in the world know about: statism. This is why although I would never speak of politics, I have a moral obligation to share something that might be considered political by some, but because it isn't being shared anywhere else, and yet because it, statism is the heart of politics, challenging it, is actually the total opposite of politics. To understand this, we can apply this to ending chattel slavery of the past, it's a moral issue, though it could be political. Those who made it political were asking for changes in law, changes in government, justifying the system that ever maintained slavery, or steals people's wealth. Those who kept the moral cause, were educating their fellow man, justifying no theft or slavery. Those in politics had no power here because writing something down on a piece of paper and calling that law would not change hearts and minds, and reducing slavery by passing a law would still legitimize slavery. Whereas, those who promoted morality had no division, except with those in politics who insisted that their rituals would be necessary; the moral abolitionists connected with the average individual and taught them something that everybody nowadays sees as natural to society, that is living without the need of slavery. While one could argue that some people may not care about either or that both actions were essential, one group of people were meddling with other people's lives, those in politics and the other group was not, the moral abolitionists. Meaning, if you did not care about the moral cause, you really did not have to care; but morality if true, you will come to learn. And sure enough, people did as the ideas were irresistible, like any good product in a free market. Politics on the other hand demands your compliance and involvement one way or another, otherwise it cannot persist and no politician would get their paycheck. Politics needs to enter your life, so no wonder why it can get annoying, or why people talk long about "how" it should enter your life. Yet, nobody ever asks the question of if it ever needs to enter your life in the first place, or if compassion rather than violence would be a better pursuit for education, i.e morality rather than legality.

And that's where I come in. Again, not to be political, but rather to remind you of who you are, a human being bound by no title, no position and no government; you have the free will choice to voluntarily participate in anything that you want in this life and nobody has the right to tell you what to do with your own life. If we apply this to all peoples, this is a moral teaching, which means you should not transgress on others freedom and ownership as well, you treat others the way you'd like to be treated and you learn how to treat yourself; you aren't just being told, your humanity is used, not robotic or childlike. So what do I ask of you? Nothing. Like the ancient Taoist wisdom of the true “master” being one not of force or how one may only abide to the way of the world, the tao, by acting without force.

Politics asks for much, coming to be more and more as people use it to their advantage, every law backed by violence, justifying the individual getting violated for the collective. Meanwhile, a world could work with a free market of ideas and solutions, as it mostly already does, but without government interference, businesses able to thrive and compete with each other for the best ideas to be found. Therefore, the only thing I could ask is for you not to care about politics, as you may already do, and to simply stand on it firmly to realize it has no place in society unless it is about voluntary community affairs, in which case, it's just society doing what it does best, like everything in nature, self-organizing.

Don't care about politics, care about truth; and this means, not just not caring about politics but rejecting politics completely. Without its rejection, it will continue to be more and more of an injection into our lives, where democide becomes continually the top cause of unnatural death. Death, if not concepts like love or morality, hopefully something you'd care about. And people do, because that's how society functions. Therefore, simply continue to learn, continue to teach as you may by mere living example, and you will help everybody. Real leaders emerge from people willingly emulating their actions. I'm not asking you to do anything new, simply recognize nature's authority rather than man as you would if you didn't go through the schooling system, simply see that politics is viewed to have an exception to the morality you yourself and most people have. Have fun, live life, but don't legitimize or give any credence to that which would hinder such for others, be it both, a criminal or government. Thank you for not causing more of the problem, but thank you more, if you can never allow the problem. If the latter seems difficult actionably, we'll get there together in time, with sharing our care for mere humanity.

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