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Exciting & Inspiring Local Efforts For Freedom & Self-Reliance

Cory Edmund Endrulat

When you see a world of illusion, or tyranny and injustice, unnatural foods and disconnected people, it may seem as though all is lost. However, our work is to remind people that all is not lost, and that history has been playing this game for a long time, but that humanity has made large leaps and bounds in progress towards freedom and our perception of it. Part of this transition, to that of a truly free world (in all ways), is in being able to convert the independent into the mainstream, and being able to navigate an increasingly technocratic world with mass information, requiring that we see nuance. While it wouldn’t be smart to shout at the roof tops about the “truth people need,” it similarly may not be smart to disconnect entirely with society and go off-grid disassociating with people. The middle path, the bridge and path lives in seeing how we can integrate nature into our man-made world, and this is a process of forever learning, experimenting best with humility.

Throughout our work, we may sound as though there is a fight, a struggle, a need for change. However, if we can have fun and enjoy the process of transforming the old into the new, showing by example and building everything we desire together, our outlook may change drastically. Even just the few events done in Central West FL with Florida United at Bigfood Food Forest proves this. Notice the personal testimonies and ideas by local community members in our latest video titled “Creating A Future Of Abundance & Freedom - Bigfoot Food Forest of New Port Richey FL.” This work will continue to go on creating other works, and inspire many people worldwide. What may be seen as important is that this project for the community remains open to feedback and welcomes the general public overtime to get involved, learn what they have not been taught and feel a part of something that provides our lives with purpose. We plan on doing weekly events, fun events, interactive events, educational events, all doing what needs to be done but isn’t being done. With this momentum, humanity will evolve. As Author Jeremey Locke states, environmentalism under the name of the “state” will not secure us, making our efforts ever more important:

Culture teaches that the only security to be found in life is in government. Only they can secure your water, your air and your food. Yield authority to them. The strength of environmentalism is that it can be used to regulate every aspect of your life. Transportation, food, housing, energy and communication; they all fall under this umbrella of regulation and control. Environmentalism is just one more excuse to implement slavery.”

Just how deceptive can “good” under the name of “government” and “we the people” in the ritualistic religion of statism be? Hear from Danilo Cuellar share his perspective:

The illusion of freedom is a more powerful tool to manipulate and subjugate a populace than any gun or stick can ever be. Guns can run out of ammunition and sticks can be broken, but mental enslavement to authority endures the ages. By this method the people will submit because they have been bred and programmed to do so since before they could talk or reason. They know of no other relationship than that of master and slave or ruler and subject. They grow to adore their servitude and reproach anyone who would seek to criticize their master just as a dog jumps with excitement when his master fills his food bowl and faithfully guards him against invaders. The main difference is that we far outnumber our oppressors and yet we tolerate their abuses because we cannot conceive of a world without their arbitrary restrictions and sundry taxes. We genuinely believe that it is necessary and moral for a society to rob its brothers and sisters to fund projects that are neither wanted nor useful. To deny the people the freedom to do with their currency what they will is the foundation for tyranny of the most egregious form, for with that currency ‘government’ may fund it’s own expansion and thereby continually justify it’s own existence through the Hegelian Dialectic.”

When we free people mentally through voluntaryism, to end Statism and Democide, and we free them physically through permaculture, to end Scarcity and Dependence, we break the roots to why historically people have not been free, able to be captured and used against their own will. By growing food for ourselves and educating ourselves, voluntarily bartering and trading, we will no longer be slaves. It requires no arms, no enactment and no change in system; in fact, it simply requires the word “no” itself because we have the will and ability to say it and stand upon it.

But you say, “voluntaryism can’t work in action” and that “we need government.” The food chain gives us a perfect example of how voluntaryism already works. Larken Rose shares his input regarding this:

“Consider, for example, your favorite grocery store. Everyone involved in the hugely complex operation of growing, processing, transporting, displaying and selling food, participates voluntarily. Customers choose where to shop and what to buy, and all the other people involved— truck-drivers, stock boys, checkout clerks, administrators, etc.—do things in exchange for getting paid. This purely voluntary arrangement allows for an amazingly complex degree of organization and cooperation without anyone being forced to participate. This is literally anarchy in action. In contrast, whenever government does something, a very small group of people (politicians) comes up with an idea, and forces everyone else to go along with it. In the authoritarian version of a supermarket, the ruling class would tell people what to produce and how much, and would tell customers what they must buy and what they must pay for it. Anyone who did not comply would be punished in some way. That is always how government does things.”

Now with the knowledge of permaculture, we can recognize this food system can work even better toward the health and psychology of the consumer, due to getting rid of the agribusinesses and pharmaceutical companies who work alongside the increasingly corrupt politicians. Slaves in the old days were working for food, yet they needed permission to reap the benefits of their own labor; many people work today and find themselves unable to get what they need to live, becoming increasingly dependent on the government and having seemingly no choice but to abide by a huge corporate food product. A healthy slave, both mentally and physically, will be increasingly hard to control. The body and mind are one, as this is the whole idea of Somatics and Somatherapy. Thus, our goal should be the optimum, not merely freedom, but community, peace, enlightenment and health. As Abolitionist Josiah Warren summarizes for us:

“When one’s person, his labor, his responsibilities, the soil he rests on, his food, his property, and all his interests are so disconnected, disunited from others, that he can control or dispose of these at all times, according to his own views and feelings, without controlling or disturbing others; and when his premises are sacred to himself, and his person is not approached, nor his time and attention taken up against his inclination, then the individual may be said to be practically sovereign of himself and all that constitutes or pertains to his individuality.”

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