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Frequency & Natural Law ~ A Unique Perspective

Timothy Rabon

We are advancing many hyper-real models in our lack of understanding Natural Law. We may find out that that the radiation from millimeter microwave frequencies causes infertility, neurological disorders, and DNA damage— leading to cancer. This is not written to disrespect the smart phone user; a smart-phone was used in the production of this material— mostly on airplane mode. The intent is to spread an awareness that the problem that will soon be recognized in the world— a rise in cancer and the inability to procreate— will not be remedied by governments with regulations; this is to spread an awareness that the said problem that everyone is going to be going through was not caused by government and the wireless industry— that is the EFFECT not the cause.

We are being subjected to new technology before evidence proves side effects are safe. Regardless of the reputed amount of harm associated with a technology before research has taken place, popular belief should not influence science. Based on the assumption government would not allow industries to have a dangerous product on the market, the consumer assumes untested frequency spectrums must be safe. Government is thought by the governed to operate with respect to their safety; however, current industry safety standards are out-dated, and were figured through experiments designed with a flawed core understanding of electro-magnetic frequencies.

If black mold is present, a building is vacated, to prevent people from being exposed. Millimeter micro-wave radiation is more dangerous than black mold; you would not be able to relocate away from the infrastructure, because there would be a small cell tower every 300 meters. Imagine you meet someone and they invite you over for some tea; they live in a mansion, and the basement floor is covered in black mold up to the top of the walls. The people living in the mansion do not know the dangers of black mold. Do you present the evidence they need to see?

The wireless waves used now are broadcasted at .15 to .8 MHz. The wave of the fifth generation wireless frequencies are so compact they resemble a beam. The goal is to have a global smart-grid, starting with tens of thousands of satellites in low-earth orbit, and millions of small radio-active smart devices to beam the frequencies .The beaming of data to transfer to specific devices is called beam-forming. The new frequencies are 15,000x higher of a frequency-- 39 GHz. The millimeter microwave is stronger when pulsed. Pulsing millimeter waves have never been studied for how it affects human health. All legitimate, peer-reviewed, non-industry funded research on microwaves has done so on non-pulsed millimeter waves. Pulsed millimeter waves can only be tested through application, because of the infrastructure it depends on.

The spectrum of electromagnetic frequency 5G uses has been known to cause disease since the '50s in government funded studies looking into the radiation for use in warfare. The 1996 Telecommunication Act is a law passed that protects wireless providers from being held accountable for the effects of elecro-magnetic frequencies by putting small cell antennas in neighborhoods, schools, offices, and homes. Neurological and psychological effects on nervous systems from EMF radiation starts slow and develops into a chronic condition. We know eliminating the exposure stops further harm, but long-term development is irreversible. United Stated military research showed the technology can stop the beating heart of a rat (source requested) from 0.6mw x cm2, and control specific behaviors of rats with 8mw x cm2. In 1975 scientists put dye in the brains of rats and saw that the dye would cross the blood brain barrier during exposure.

Common complaints of electro-magnetic frequency radiation are being tired, depressed, unable to sleep, focus, or piece together memories. Rats become sterile and infertile after being exposed for five generations; they suffered from disease, developed disorders, and birth defects up to that point. The highest scientific office in the US, National Institute of Health, concluded seven types of cancer caused by EMFs: brain; heart; pancreas; liver; prostate; adrenal; and, pituitary. Independent studies also show genetic damage, premature aging, and neurological disorders including ADHD, Alzheimer's, and autism. 

These are the first cities that are going to activate 5G: Chicago, IL; Minneapolis; Denver, CO; Providence, RI; Atlanta, GA; Cleveland, OH; Dallas, TX; Las Vegas; Los Angelus; New York, New York; Kansas City, MI; Phoenix, AZ; Washington, DC; Fort Worth, TX; Jacksonville, FL; Indianapolis; Louisville, KY; New Orleans; Charlotte, NC; Raleigh, NC; Oklahoma City; Houston, TX; San Antonio, TX; Waco, TX; Nashville, TN; Orlando, FL; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; San Jose, CA.

The cause of this catastrophe is the same as the cause to all our other self-inflected suffrage— we ignore NATURAL Law. Human beings are meant to be free; however, we live in a time when authority is considered natural. Government is taken by everyone as a part of reality that needs to be understood, in order to remain "free", by knowing what laws not to break. This unnatural law is man's law— not Natural Law. Chaos is produced through negative Natural Law expressions. Chaos is all around us; we are kept in this chaos by unconsciously generating fear, ignorance, and confusion; these expressions lead to external control and that is chaos. Manifested chaos will not look like chaos in a hyper-real world; it will look normal, because we have become accustomed to living under UNNATURAL law. Max Igan has media on 5G

Birds, bees, and mankind .pdf document

Effects of wireless radiation of fertility:

Permeability of the mamillian blood brain barrier upon exposure to electro-magnetic frequencies:

Effects emf have on the heart

39gigahertz multi-in multi-out (MIMO) wireless technology:

Disease linked to exposure:

By Timothy Rabon ~

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