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Natural Intelligence ~ An Exclusive Local & Worldwide Article ~ New Years Resolutions

Kenneth Hinnenkamp

By Kenneth Hinnenkamp ~

Review of “Natural Intelligence: The Technology of Peace” Book by Cory Endrulat & Jim Gale ~

The solution is obvious when you think about it. Communities working together with nature to provide for the communities’ needs. It is a philosophy for food security and health abundance. And its time has come.

What is Permaculture? Permaculture is a design system that aims to create sustainable and regenerative living environments. It's a holistic approach that combines ecology, agriculture, architecture, and social design to create resilient and self-sufficient communities. Permaculture focuses on working with nature, rather than against it, to minimize waste and maximize resources.

Permaculture is something we can all participate in. It can be something as simple as choosing to grow edible plants instead of lawns. We can plant trees and perennials that produce food continuously year after year after year. We can choose to grow what produces nutrition in the local environment. It is about each of us getting involved and taking responsibility for the environment by stopping harmful actions and adopting beneficial actions. It’s easy to say and not hard to do. Jim Gale has created an example of “gardening for abundance” in St. Cloud, Florida. There are two points in adopting a new lifestyle aimed at abundance. Voluntaryism and Abolitionism.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete" - Buckminster Fuller

Voluntaryists: Voluntaryists are advocates of non-political, non-violent strategies to achieve a free society. We reject electoral politics, in theory and in practice, as incompatible with libertarian principles. Governments must cloak their actions in an aura of moral legitimacy in order to sustain their power, and political methods invariably strengthen that legitimacy. Voluntaryists seek instead to delegitimize the State through education, and we advocate withdrawal of the cooperation and tacit consent on which State power ultimately depends. Noncompliance with tyrannical dictates is the means by which voluntaryists take their power back. (

One key aspect of voluntaryism is self-education. We all have the ability to build a wealth of knowledge. Especially now with the abundance of information available from the internet. We can use AI to our advantage in our learning process. This puts a lot of power at our fingertips. Becoming astute at AI means learning how to ask questions. Asking questions is an iterative process where Q&A sessions with AI can be fine tuned for the desired responses.

Abolitionists: Abolitionism is the act of abolishing something. Abolishing slavery was a new idea that floated in the late 18th century. People recognized that slavery was immoral and Abolitionists started a movement to end chattel slavery. The American abolitionists were considered among the first voluntaryists in helping the world in it's evolution toward freedom. Slavery was eventually declared illegal at the global level in 1948 under the United Nations. But now we haven a more pernicious form of slavery; mental slavery.

Mental Slavery: Commonly considered the "most dangerous" form, mental slavery has been detailed by a number of philosophers, authors, researchers, psychologists and historical figures, as self-enslavement. This is also why many of the original abolitionists encouraged moral education or voluntaryism as the only solution, for primarily the slave must free their own self and by extension, everyone.

One of the symptoms of self-enslavement is expressed in the form of the unwillingness to discuss topics concerning alternative truth. I find that discussing things like 9/11, chemtrails, vaccine caused autism, alternative cancer treatments, and revisionist history makes people uncomfortable. If you try to get people to think about the possibility that the Earth is flat, they will throw up walls and resist talking about it by changing the subject. Peoples emotions are tied up in some of these topics. It is hard to overcome self-enslavement if people are not even willing to discuss it because of their emotional attachments.

Control your health: One way we free ourselves is by taking control of your health. We need to learn what makes us healthy and what contributes to ill health. Far too many leave their health decisions to their doctors and dutifully try to do what doctors tell them to do. They have a belief that the FDA oversees the food and drug industries with the aim of protecting society from bad actors. Modern healthcare involves testing and prescribing drugs for a given diagnosis. That is the role of doctors taught to them in medical school. Since each of us is different, doctors may offer a series of prescriptions trying to find the one that “works,” if indeed any of them do. In fact it is known that all prescription drugs have a level of toxicity designated by an LD50. The LD50 measure is the dosage that becomes lethal in 50% of the population. All synthetic pharmaceuticals have an LD50. All are toxic. In fact, prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Heart disease is a lifestyle disease. Deaths from cancer may be attributable to “approved” treatments in many cases.

There are a growing number of doctors that are focusing on providing us with education on how to take control of our health. One in particular that I like is Dr. Sircus. Dr. Sircus has written a number of books on how to best treat things like diabetes and heart conditions. Much of what he writes is about disease prevention. For example, did you know that maintaining a body pH level above 7.0 can prevent many chronic diseases? Maintaining a pH level above 7.0 can even prevent cancer. I have pH test strips and check my pH level often. I take a half teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in water twice daily on an empty stomach to keep my pH in positive territory. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, doing this simple routine may improve your cancer marker. It is very inexpensive to do and has no negative effects when done properly. I aim for a positive pH level of ~7.5 < 8.0. Dr. Tom Cowan founded the New Biology Clinic. He has assembled a cadre of health professionals that focus on Holistic Family Wellness.

Tyrannical Food Dictates: Regarding food, government has inserted itself between farmers and consumers. The goons at the PDA have persecuted Amos Miller, an Amish farmer, and is requiring him to withdraw his farm raised goods from the marketplace of voluntaryists seeking better choices for their families. “The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture is the greatest threat to the public health of the people of Pennsylvania.” - Robert Barnes. Dr. Paul Thomas details his experience with the healthcare system in his new book, Vax Facts. Dr. Thomas ran the numbers in his own pediatric practice. He eventually came to the conclusion that his unvaccinated patients were healthier than his vaccinated patients. This was a massive wake up call for him. And it should be for us as consumers of this top down insurance driven for-profit disease management system as well. It’s all about the money, your child’s health is secondary if it’s considered at all.

On Government: “Everything that government does would be done better, faster and cheaper by the free market.” - Etienne de la Boetie, author of Government: The Biggest Scam in History Exposed. Lawyer and Abolitionist Lysander Spooner states “Government is in reality established by the few; and these few assume the consent of all the rest, without any such consent being actually given.” “The number of slaves, instead of having been diminished by the war, has been greatly increased; for a man, thus subjected to a government that he does not want, is a slave.” Who can argue that today we have the government we want? Government is taxing us into oblivion. Our government is funding wars that none of us want or benefit from. Government has dictated that many of us are required to take untested and deadly vaccines in order to keep our jobs. And many corporations go along with the dictates. Fighting back against the deep-pocketed government and corporate entities is difficult. And often the deck is stacked against us. Take the example of Brook Jackson. She sued Pfizer because they did not insist that contracted vaccine testing labs follow long established testing protocols. She was fired from her job for pointing this out to her superiors. She ultimately lost her suit because it was determined that because the DoD was the ultimate contractor, she sued the wrong entity. “Pfizer's defense. They filed a motion to dismiss April 22nd arguing that no fraud had occurred and no fraud could have occurred because none of the U.S government DoD contracts required valid clinical trials or evidence of safety or efficacy as a condition for payment.” The case was dismissed, and all of us are now recipients of unsafe and untested vaccines when we comply with vaccination programs.

As it turns out, virology is pseudoscience. Viruses have never been isolated, and there is no evidence that vaccines prevent disease. Dr. Tom Cowan has offered a cash reward for anyone who can provide him with a peer reviewed study that proves any virus exists. He has searched himself and found none. And no one has stepped up to claim the cash reward. The question we have to ask ourselves is, do we want to choose to remain mental slaves, or do we want to free ourselves to act such that we choose to solve the problem, which is out of control centralized federal government. Are we willing to discuss topics that matter, or will we continue to self-censor, avoiding conversation that gets to the heart of the matter, no matter how uncomfortable the subject makes us feel? Can we set aside our emotions long enough to recognize the problems and focus on solutions?

May I suggest a meaningful New Year’s resolution? How about looking into voluntaryism? Research permaculture. Resolve to set aside a portion of you lawn to begin cultivating local plants that can provide for at least part of your family’s nutrition. Install rain barrels to capture water draining from your gutters for use in watering your plants. If you don’t own a home, connect with other voluntaryists in your area and lend some of your time to their gardening efforts. If nothing else, read up on the permaculture concept. And everyone should do what they can to learn about and take care of their health.

By Kenneth Hinnenkamp ~

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