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Owning up to Self-Respect in Regards to Cause and Effect

Sara Cross

Having self-respect and respect for others isn't just about standing up for your physical rights, it is also about standing up for your emotional and spiritual rights. If you go around treating people like they are nothing more than dumb animals who's only interest is matching up the parts then that is the treatment you will receive in turn. If you speak or refer to people as if they are nothing more than some kind of food product you get at the grocery store then don't be surprised when you attract someone who treats you like you are nothing more than a convenient resource to fit their needs.

When people start treating people like they are people and not like they are something that can just be "picked up" then we will all start to see a change in general behavior which will in turn lead to a healthier path in self-realization and a more conscientious global human community. It should be no wonder as to why woman are becoming more and more inauthentic in their minds, hearts and body. It is not just the conditioning done to woman from false authority and the parasite class, it is also because of the conditioned man and how they choose to interact with woman at the level of beast consciousness. The inauthentic man will only ever attract the inauthentic woman. And vice versa. Even though, ultimately, it is our actions alone that truly matter and make the difference, when people stop using the filtration system of thought and emotion in order to create action this is what creates a world where the standards no longer apply. The bar is lowered to its lowest point. Thought, emotion and action is the formula to be used when creating the world you want for the future. Even while practicing this now we may not see a change in our lifetime but it will have an impact on behavior in the future. One way or another. It cannot be helped. It'll work out that way no matter what because there is always going to be an effect to a cause.

It is not just other people treating you like you’re a prize to be won. It is also about you treating yourself in this manner. If you treat yourself like you are something to be "picked up" than that is the treatment you will attract. Like attracts like. So treat others, as well as yourself, as you would like to be treated regardless of their treatment towards you. And when others do not treat you with courtesy, call them out for it. Don't be afraid to make it embarrassing. This ensures that others will know exactly where you stand and will cause the effect of either them never talking to you again or creating a change within that individual, even if you yourself never know about it. Leading by example is not something that anyone should be expecting some kind of reward for. It's not about that individual who is setting the example. It's about building a future. It is a display for others to witness on how to conduct oneself. It is setting the bar high. This will cause the rippling effect within the community. That being said, people speaking words (no matter the discourtesy) is not a wrong action. It is not immoral to be discourteous or thoughtless in your words. But as we may see it, when a verbal discourtesy goes unchecked, this will only encourage a physical discourtesy to occur later. Poor verbal behavior creates poor physical action. It creates a corruption of mind, soul and body. It creates a dysfunctional use of thought, emotion and action. So here is the formula broken down in its most basic terms:

Formula: Thoughts, Emotions and Actions

Directions: To use this formula in the most effective and constructive way, in order to get a result, is in the order as stated; first thought, second emotion and third action. Using this formula in any other way will result in possible negative reactions.

In regards to this particular topic matter: Thoughts: Courtesy or Discourtesy? As an individual you have the choice in how you take in information and consider it. You have the capability to discern what is coming from an authentic place or a dysfunctional place. This is where the skill of "reading between the lines" comes into play so that the truth of the matter can come forward and be known. This is the "thinking before you speak" step. This is taking in all the information before one makes a full assessment and voice an opinion or perspective. Emotions: Care or Disregard? This is where an individual has the option to either show empathy or disregard for the situation as being something that has no value or not worth their time, whether this is about a person or a situation. This is where thought turns into an emotional state and a reaction takes place energetically. Regardless, whether people think this is a real thing or not, it still takes place. Human beings and animals alike all have a very special trait in common (unless they are genetically born a psychopath or something like an insect). That is, the ability to effect each other through the energy we put out even when it is unspoken. When we love, others can feel this. When we hate, others can feel this. We are antennas receiving and transmitting energy. So how we either use care or use disregard, matters in the long term. Action: Consideration for all or Self-Indulgence to personal perception? This is what we do with our bodies after receiving and analyzing the information we get from our mind and heart, really matters. How we choose to react in the physical world will have short term and long term effects. This is where we manifest our thoughts and emotions and create a physical reality. This is what becomes the truth because we have created it and added this to the physical world. Once an action has taken place, it is now, and always will be, the truth. It has happened and cannot be undone. So what we do matters ultimately the most. This is why it is so important for people to practice and use thought and emotion before an action is conducted in order to get a positive response from reality rather than a negative one.

Remember, how we conduct ourselves is what will shape this world and it's future. When people act like dumb animals, that is how they will be treated. That is how the world and it's future will develop. When people act like human beings, that is how they will be treated. That is how the world and it's future will develop. Like attracts like. Own your own self-respect and others will be more inclined to treat you with respect. Own the responsibility you have to be respectful and you will be treated in kind. That does not mean you do not call out wrong doing when it takes place and defend morality and ethics. It means you use your thoughts, emotions and actions accordingly. It means you use your mind, heart and body responsibly. You, and ONLY you, are responsible for this. As such, all others are responsible for themselves and how they conduct themselves. You cannot force others to behave with care but you can lead by example and create a standard. You, as an individual within your community, can raise the bar and publicly conduct yourself in accordance with this. This will attract others to this behavior and they will be effected by it  regardless of the acknowledgment. The key here is not to emulate the behavior of others but to step up and lead by example. Be the one that others will emulate. This is Cause and Effect.

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