Knowledge of the truth and principles that exists in natural law, are very important. If we start building on truth, we have a good foundation and it can be adjusted by the principles to build a solid and efficient house. Always start with yourself.
Since the real knowledge can’t be found completely in a store, school, library or internet. But only in the libraries of the elites, we will have to find the pieces of the puzzle ourselves.
How do we get this knowledge? When we see that we are wrongly programmed, we can only change our lives through change in our lives. We will have to find the will to learn the truth and knowledge for ourselves. We will have to get eager to learn, to apply the truth and principles that go with it, into our lives. Know that you don’t know everything. The will to learn about a subject, helps you grow on the subject. If the will to learn disappears because of fear, ego, wrong information, then growth will disappear and the subject will die. Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.
Who do you listen to? Never assume that everything they tell you is true, including what is written here. If we have the will to create the most important question is: is this true? Always start with yourself, and make sure your genes are read completely, free from trauma, free from triggers, free from the wrong information. If you have total control over yourself, you can live from the heart. With how important our thoughts may be, the love of self gets in harmony with your environment if it’s based on truth and these principles.
Love – care – heart – emotion (the lost principle): Care (not compassion) is what you give attention and help to grow. This doesn’t mean that you can ignore the negative in the world, because ignorance let’s it happen more. In short: care can be seen as the ultimate generator for the quality of our life experience. Hence the main principle is also known as the generative principle. True care is created in our hearts, the pump that makes our blood flow through our bodies. In many old traditions they talked about the life-force of the blood. This protein lets us see the full truth and our full consciousness is restored. The brain is important, but the heart generates the experience. Because that what we care about, it is what we think about and how we act. What we care about enough, with our will in search of truth, is what gets created in our world eventually. Here also lies our pitfall. Emotion often trumps rational thinking, that is why we have to use this emotion well. For example: if we give money to a homeless person and he buys alcohol with it, so he can feed his habit. Was this a good deed or not?
The heart, the energy of our consciousness: We are all born with a certain quality, something we are really good at and love or like to do. If we can live in a moral way when we do something we really like, we work from the heart and use our energy in a productive way. Seeing that our emotions are our drive to read our genes, our consciousness exists out of energy. The reason we don’t use our energy in a productive way is, because we are forced to go to work every day, mostly at a job that doesn’t make us happy, or does not contribute to society in a productive way. Just to pay bills and buy things we don’t really need. If we would live in a society where we all could do what we are good in and help each other, we wouldn’t need the monetary system that steals our energy. For example: a banker, can love what he is doing. But it’s a useless job that doesn’t really contribute to society. If we get a loan from the bank, what happens is, the bank lends our energy, then makes us pay for our own energy and makes us think it’s a good thing.
Money: In these times money is the God of the material world, from this we think and create. All religions and spirituality are based upon this. In the English language it is literally my eye (mon-eye). But is this true according natural law? Money is debt, that exists out of the energy that we provide to the system. This means that we are the transformers of this. The system lends our energy on all levels of life, from the day we are born. We are not plugged in the matrix, the matrix tries to plug us in.
The written laws and teachings, created by the elite especially for the ignorant or less conscious human, is very important in this matrix. So if you want to be more aware about a subject, take a good look at yourself, to see if you are unknowing or ignorant. Then take the following steps: ignorantly unknowing – consciously knowing – ignorantly knowing.
Energy is natural law: Once we understand that our brains are the transformers in our society, and they send and receive all the time, that’s when we start to see that the natural law has the most important role in this. And we can start recognizing the patterns around us, which we created under the influence of the elite, who knows and uses this knowledge. Which means that in order to know and use this energy as well, we will have to ensure that our genes are fully read.
Based on the work of Bruce Lipton, Ian Xel Lungold, Max Igan and Mark Passio.
Learn more about Natural Law: TheLiberator.us/naturallaw
Translation Veerle Mendonck ~ t.me/freedom5xd